PSX | Session Moderator Guidelines
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Session Moderator Guidelines

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Moderating is a great opportunity to serve in a leadership role, develop relationships with fellow colleagues, and contribute to the overall success of the conference.

Below you will find outlined the essential responsibilities of the moderator, as well as some background information on presenting at PSX. If you are a session moderator, please review the on-site duties for your position:

Session Check-in & Presentation/Handout Uploading

Moderators should check in with their speakers prior to arriving on-site to get to know the presenters and their content to develop a cohesive flow between presentations. We strongly encourage you to schedule a quick meeting on-site with all your presenters before the session. Arrive at your assigned room at least 15 minutes before the session start time.

Note: All presenters are required to utilize, the official conference PowerPoint Template.  

AIHA will provide computers in session rooms, upon which the presenters will be able to load any presentations or materials in the session room using a flash drive.  Staff will be on hand to offer technical assistance, troubleshoot, and answer questions.

One of the most common requests from conference attendees is for copies of presentation slides.  We will create an upload site where presenters can upload their slides and/or handout materials. These handouts can be the same as their presentation file(s), or they can be altered and/or include any other supplemental materials they may wish to give attendees access to.  Any materials uploaded by the deadline date will be provided to the conference participants via the conference's mobile app.

All presentations will be recorded for OnDemand unless a speaker opts out. All speakers should log in to Online Speaker Center to read and sign the Speaker Agreement.

Presenter Absences

In the event a presenter cancels, we will permit the other speakers in the session to present for additional time or to end the session early. The additional time can also be used for further group discussion or Q&A.


At the start of a session, moderators should:

  • Identify the session title.
  • Introduce themselves.
  • Briefly introduce each presenter. The bios/CVs for these introductions are posted on the PSX website on each individual session page.
  • Advise the audience of any last-minute presenter changes not already advertised.

During the session, moderators should:

  • Politely thank the speaker whose time has run out and firmly move on to the next presentation. It is important to make sure each presenter stays on schedule.
  • Facilitate Q&A between audience members and presenters. Please restate the question into the microphone, or have the speaker do so to ensure that the recordings (and our virtual audience, if applicable) can hear the question.

At the end of a session, moderators should:

  • Thank the presenters.
  • Request that attendees complete the session evaluation available via a link in the conference mobile app. Evaluations provide valuable information on the suitability of topics and are used by staff and volunteer groups for future conference planning.

Session Recordings

  • Personal recording (both audio and video) is prohibited.
  • Audio recordings of education session presentations will be available after the conference if permission has been granted by the presenters.
  • Presenters who do not grant permission to record their presentations will be edited out of the recordings.
  • The room must be kept quiet to ensure the quality of the recording.
  • Questions asked by an audience member should be repeated by the moderator or presenter at the podium using the microphone. This is important so that the entire audience, including the virtual audience, can hear the question.

AV and Computer ​Equipment

  • AV and computer equipment will be provided for presenters in all meeting rooms.
  • Personal laptops may not be used in the session presentation rooms.
  • Presenters must use the microphone provided to ensure high-quality audio recording. Presenters wearing a microphone should avoid shuffling papers or holding conversations, as these noises will be picked up by the microphone.


  • Locate lighting controls and emergency exits in case of an emergency. Please announce to the audience the location of the exits in case of emergency.
  • Locate the audiovisual (AV) technician assigned to your meeting room floor; this technician will be available to troubleshoot any problems. Note this person’s location before the session starts.
  • Announce that standing in the back of the room or the aisles is prohibited (as advised by the fire marshal) unless it is to accommodate individuals with disabilities.

General Information

  • Expect questions to be asked and answered. This should be done professionally. PSX encourages scientific debate, open communication, healthy discussion, and respect for a diversity of opinions. Please ensure that any session(s) you moderate is conducted accordingly.
  • All session personnel, presenters, and attendees should professionally conduct themselves.
  • In the unlikely event of a disagreement, disruption, or emergency, go immediately to the registration desk and request staff assistance.

If you have any questions regarding the on-site responsibilities of the session moderators, please contact Conor O'Malley, Program Manager, Education, at 703-846-0767​​.​​

Thank you! Your assistance is essential to the success of education at PSX!​

Thank you to our PSX 2024 Sponsors
