PSX | Promote Your Session
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Let others know about your session by spreading the word through social media!

You can use your normal social media posting as an opportunity to promote your attendance, session, or presentation, at PSX. The more you post, the more attention you’ll bring to your sessions and to PSX in general.

Social Media​ Tips

Social media sites are great venues to promote your session/attendance and to engage with fellow attendees. When posting on any social media channel about AIHce EXP (The Product Stewardship Society uses Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn), use #PSX and include the name of your session/presentation. Don’t forget to link back to the conference website, You may also include The Product Stewardship Society’s Twitter handle (@ProductStewards).

  • Twitter Example: I’m a speaker at #PSX! Take a look at my session on TASCA @ProductStewards.
  • Instagram Example: Create a short 30-second video to tease your session.
  • Facebook Example: At #PSX and interested in our work in coffee processing? Come to the "Exposures in Coffee Processing Facilities" session from 2-3 pm! @ProductStewards (tag us, and insert the “I’m presenting” badge image)
If the Product Stewardship Society includes you in a tweet or response from their social page,
retweet, favorite, and/or like it so that your colleagues can see it!

We suggest posting once a week or every two weeks about speaking at PSX for consistency. Mix up your wording so your posts don’t become repetitive.

Promoting Your Presentation Outside of Social Media

Outside of social media, there​ are numerous other opportunities to promote your presentation at PSX EXP:

  • Request that your company newsletter include a small blurb about the event and your session
  • Using the PSX2024 Banner, email your colleagues and contacts to notify them of your session at PSX 2024
  • Incorporate the PSX promotional PowerPoint slides into your next presentation

Visually Promote Your Participation

We’ve made it incredibly easy to promote your participation by using a premade icon as your picture:

I'm Speaking at PSX 2024!

Right-click over the image and select "Save Image as..." then upload to your favorite social media tool(s).​

Interested in learning more?​

Please join us for our Speaker Webinar series! Find out more information about it on the Speak webpage.

Thank you to our PSX 2024 Sponsors
